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The wooden furniture carved with elegant and complex patterns are dignifiedly located in this quiet place. 木質的家具上雕著複襍而典雅的花紋,耑莊的坐落於這片靜謐之地。 blog.sina.com.cn
They also appreciate seals, lacquerware, antique rhinoceros horn, archaic bronzes, carved wooden furniture and jade, especially the white sort from Khotan. 另外還有玉璽、漆器、古代犀角、古青銅器、木雕家具和翡翠,尤其是和田白玉,也極受追捧。
Hardwood furniture, carved wooden ornaments, stained-glass windows of Manchu style, and many other Cantonese features come together to create an old Guangzhou style house. 木質家具,木雕飾品,還有滿族風格的彩繪玻璃窗戶,這一切造就了廣州的西關老屋文化。 www.chinadaily.com.cn