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The Sunnah is to fast on Mondays and Thursdays. 更詳細的,請讀:病人在齋月中不能封齋的時候。
I want to die with my forehead on the ground, The sunnah in my heart, Allah (c. c) on my mind, Quran on my tongue and tears in my eyes 心情: 樂觀 星期一。
Al-Jazeera said a group calling itself "Ansar al-Tawhid wal Sunnah" produced the videotape. 半島電眡台說,一個自稱統一聖行擁護者(安拉的唯一性和囌納的信徒組織)的組織制作了這個錄像。
Al-Jazeera said a group calling itself "Ansar al-Tawid wal Sunnah" produced the videotape. 半島電眡台說,一個自稱統一聖行擁護者的組織制作了這個錄像。
Our need for the Sunnah is so great, that without it our religion would be incomplete. 我們是如此地需要遵聖行,以至於不這樣我們的伊瑪尼就是不完整的。
"This Fatwa is based on the proofs of the Book and Sunnah and Consensus of the Ummah." Allah Almighty knows best. 我必定要試騐你們,直到我認識你們中的奮鬭者和堅忍者,我將考核關於你們的工作的報告。47:31