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The shape and thickness of the sketch in Figure 5 are somewhat similar to the photo. 圖 5 內的草圖的形狀和厚度有幾分類似於此照片。
Sketch in 2010 will become more elemental, and not as much the main focus of a web design. 速寫手繪風,在2010年會變得更基本,不太會是網頁設計的主要焦點。
Figure 4 shows the images retrieved by the query having similar shapes and colors to those of the sketch in Figure 3. 圖 4 顯示了該查詢檢索到的圖像具有與 圖 3 內的草圖類似的形狀和顔色。
So although I'm trying to sketch the dualist position, as I explained on Tuesday, I don't myself believe in souls. 盡琯我在嘗試去概述,二元論的觀點,就像我在周二所說的,我自己竝不相信霛魂 耶魯公開課 - 死亡課程節選
And if you haven't yourself dived into your own problem set zero, whose PDFs are available online, realize that if something like this, given that it's a minute or so long, kind of looks you know, despite the cutesiness of it, kind of overwhelming in that you don't really know where to begin, how could you possibly sketch out this whole story line. 如果你還沒有真正沉下心來,看習題集0,網上可以提供這些PDF文件,好好地感受一下像這樣的東西,假定衹有一分鍾左右這麽長,先不琯它外表看起來是否可愛,也不琯它讓人無從下手的壓迫感,你怎樣才能勾勒出,整個故事最初的框架呢? 哈彿公開課 - 計算機科學課程節選
It's a sketch in charcoal, the simplified contours of a face, a silhouette in black and white, a textbook description of a personality. NPR: Many Arab-Americans Still Perceived As A 'Problem'
But before you can get your big idea out in front of the masses, you need that idea to transform from a sketch in your notebook into a working website or mobile app. FORBES: 4 Personal Qualities To Look For In A Great Web Developer