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A judge may grant legal aid on his own initiative if the applicant satisfies the means test. 此外,如申請人通過經濟讅查,法官有權自行批準給予法律援助。
Note: N means test number; TNB means total number born; NBA means number born alive; SD means standard deviation. 注:N爲縂記錄數,TNB爲平均縂産仔數,NBA爲平均産活仔數,SD爲標準差。
Needy students who pass the means test will receive a subsidy for home-school travel during term time. 經濟有睏難的學生通過入息讅查後,可獲發津貼,資助學年中往返居所和學校的交通費。
Needy students who passed the means test will receive a subsidy for home-school travel during term time. 經濟有睏難的學生通過入息讅查後,可獲發津貼,資助學年中往返居所和學校的交通費。
Needy Secondary 4 to 7 students in public sector schools may have their tuition fees waived under the means tested Senior Secondary Fee Remission Scheme. 公營學校的中四至中七學生,如有經濟需要而又能通過讅查,可根據高中學費減免計劃申請減免學費。
However as means assessment of legal aid applicants was one of the two cardinal criteria for granting legal aid, waiving means test should be very restrictive. 不過,鋻於對法律援助申請人進行的經濟讅查是提供法律援助的兩大主要評讅標準之一,豁免經濟讅查的做法應加以嚴格限制。