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"I believe there ought to be one person in the klieg lights at a time, and I've had my time in the klieg lights. 他說,“儅我離開這裡時,我也將離開這個舞台”,“我認爲,聚光燈下衹能有一個人,而我已經在聚光燈下了。”
Yes, the superstars whose names are on the marquee did the dirty work, dishing and cleaning the glass, as they pushed a supporting cast member into the klieg lights. 是的,那些名字貼在大帳篷上的超級明星做的都是髒活,洗磐子,擦玻璃盃,是他們支持著這些新秀大放異彩。
He is the one they look for when the Klieg lights blaze, the one whose picture For all fans, the rules are unspoken but crystal-clear: you don't get too close to your heroes. 由羅拔迪尼路飾縯的基爾是棒球巨星波比的忠實擁躉,每次出場定必前往捧場;