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This is my westen kitchen cook book, welcom to communion! 我收集的各種西餐書籍的拷貝版,歡迎交流!
I found a great recipe for lasagna in my new cook book. 我在一本新的食譜裡找到一個很好的千層麪食譜。
I have learned to make hot candied apples from the cook book. 我從菜譜上學會了做拔絲蘋果。
I'm fascinated by your cook book, it's called darling let's cook together right? 我對你的書很感興趣,書名是,親愛的,我們來做菜吧對嗎?(英文這麽叫嗎?)
Scour the Web for simple recipes to get your feet wet, or check out beginner cook books at your local bookstore. 作爲第一步,在網絡上搜尋簡單的食譜;或者,去儅地書店查閲以下初學者烹飪書籍。
I see! But you have never cooked, can you cook delicious dishes after you read a cooking book? 原來是這樣。可你從來也不進廚房,看看烹飪書就能做出好菜來?