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I just received a very gracious call from OSAMA BIN LADIN . 剛才,奧薩姆.;本
Afghanistan is the largest heroin producing country in the world, Bin Ladin sells drugs to China also. 阿富汗是世界上最大的海洛英生産國家;本.;拉登也賣葯物給中國。
wingplum:My first article was on 08/24/06, long before Bin Ladin appeared. 連本拉登何時首次發貼都知道的一清二楚,非特工莫屬,但要記住“欲蓋彌彰”是特工的大忌喲!!
" ...And yes, Osama bin Ladin comes to mind, his money, his theology, his frightening dedication to destroy American power. 我們 (美國人) 能否允許我們自己在我們的孩子們死後還保持沉默?