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Kissin I.Preemptive analgesia:Why its effect is not always obvious[J].Anesthesiology,1996,84:1015. 李瓊英連慶泉.;小兒全麻術後早期缺氧的原因分析[J]
Forrest: He was a very loving man.He was always Kissin' and touchin' her and her sisters. 羽毛再次飄起,就像阿甘母親說的不知道下一秒會怎樣,但羽毛又像丹中尉說的那樣命中注定的在阿甘的書中停畱片刻。
He was always Kissin' and touchin' her and her sisters.And then this one time.Jenny wasn't on the bus to go to school. 他更願意選擇讓這些人永遠活在心中,而把希望和更多的行動放在未來。
Paul, a graduate student in New York City, and Donna, a financial adviser, are just two in a long, flourishing line of kissin' first cousins. 保羅是紐約市的一名研究生,而唐娜是一名金融顧問。 他們倆僅僅是無數結爲夫妻的表兄妹中的一對。
Paul, a graduate student in New York City, and Donna, a financial adviser, are just two in a long, flourishing line of kissin‘ first cousins. 保羅是紐約市的一名研究生,而唐娜是一名金融顧問。他們倆僅僅是無數結爲夫妻的表兄妹中的一對。
After the concert, Erich Honecker, East Germany's Communist leader, said that if hadn't been for Kissin, the gala would have been a total waste of time. 音樂會之後,erichhonecker,東德的共産主義領袖說,如果沒有基辛,這次宴會就完全是在浪費他時間。)