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Acute aortic syndrome includes aortic dissection, intramural haematoma (IMH), and symptomatic aortic ulcer. 急性主動脈綜郃征包括:主動脈夾層、壁內血腫和有症狀的主動脈(粥樣斑塊)潰瘍。
If anyone of you had seen someone holding a book in public, reading and laughing, please do not call IMH in a hurry. 如果最近有任何人在外見到一個人拿著一本書邊讀邊笑,請不要驚慌地撥打心理健康學院熱線。
OCT can show the progress of the macular hole directly and offer an important technique in diagnosis, classification and surgical treatment of IMH. OCT可直觀顯示黃斑裂孔的進展變化,對提供IMH的分期診斷和手術指征有較大幫助。
I remember that on my first day of orientation really scared and didn't know what to do, as our seniors had told us story of IMH is like somehow interesting yet scary. 我還佷理智,不會把東西混爲一談。。我佷了解我自己。。我真的希望,你能好好的想想。。還有我今天所說的話。。