Frame All in All Views
- 所有视图的所有帧
- The first article described how all views are built from a general frame, defined in frame.xsl, and a main panel, which is view specific.
第一篇文章介绍了如何由 frame.xsl 定义的总框架和与具体视图相关的主面板来构建所有视图。 - You'll need some information -- such as the different parts of the frame, the links, and the navigation bars -- for all views when a user is logged in.
当用户登录时,将需要所有视图的某些信息(如框架的不同部分、链接和导航栏)。 - In the main panel of views that belong to one group, a group-specific "inner frame" style sheet could be included to generate parts of the response that all views in the group have in common.