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Saying, Thou wentest in to men uncircumcised, and didst eat with them. 你进入未受割礼之人的家,和他们一同吃饭了。
Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God? 这未受割礼的非利士人是谁呢? 竟敢向永生神的军队骂阵吗?
There was controversy over the statue’s supposed Biblical reference, since the statue seemed to portray an uncircumcised male, whereas the historical King David was undoubtedly circumcised. 关于这座雕塑是有争议的,因为这座雕塑似乎描绘了一个未受割礼的男性,而毋庸置疑大卫王是受过割礼的。
The researchers found that those who had been circumcised were twenty-eight percent less likely to get genital herpes than uncircumcised men.
It involved about three thousand four hundred uncircumcised Ugandan men between the ages of fifteen and forty-nine.
Paul, who welcomed uncircumcised and trayf-eating Gentiles into the sect. NEWYORKER: The Big Reveal