相关单词近义词 criticize 批评, steal 偷, pilfer 盗, pinch 捏, nick 刻痕make off with, 偷走, hit 打(击), lash out 痛打, hit out at 挥拳向 ... 猛击..., strike 罢工, slap 侮辱, blow 打击, swing 摇摆, dig 挖cutting remark, 尖刻的话, putdown 平定(降落, purloin 偷窃, sneak 偷偷摸摸做, hook 钩, lift 举起, nobble (暗中破坏)使(..., filch 偷(不贵重的东西)..., cabbage 卷心菜, abstract 抽象的, snarf 狼吞虎咽临近词swirl, swing, swiper, swipes, swipe at, swipe card, Swipe sample, swipe the floor, swipe at a ball, swipe at the dog, swipe with a bat, swipe fingerprint sensor 返回 swiped