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It has been four decades since Pilar Maroto lost her newborn son, but tears still fill her eyes when she speaks of him. Pilar Maroto 失去她的新生儿至今已有四十年之久,但是每当她说起自己的儿子,眼中依然饱含泪水。
Pilar was also the scene of time spent with wives and children, and those reflections do not sweeten Hemingway’s reputation. 比拉”号也是海明威和妻儿共度时光的一个场景,然而这些回忆却不能挽救海明威的名声。
While sailing on Pilar he read a good deal of it, and he found it intolerable. ECONOMIST: He loved to rock the boat
El Patrimonio Mundial es un pilar para la paz y un motor para el desarrollo. UNESCO: EDUCACIÓN
Pilar was also the scene of time spent with wives and children, and those reflections do not sweeten Hemingway's reputation. ECONOMIST: He loved to rock the boat