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Work with NPD manufacturing engineer on line setup, specially on power supply, pneumatic system and ESD system. 和新产品导入工程师一起完成生产线的布局建立,特别是电,气和防静电系统。
Actively contact related NPD manufacturing engineer, buyer or qualification engineer to identify unknown parts, or tools. 积极联络新产品工程师、采购或本地认证工程师去鉴别未知的物料或工具。 blog.sina.com.cn
Manufacturing engineer and manager review and approve Mould Block Purchasing Order and Big Tessera Steel Purchasing Order. 制造工程师和制作部经理则分别在模胚订购清单>和大肉钢材订购单>审核、批准; blog.sina.com.cn
When he famously gained a manufacturing foothold with the plastic flowers in the 1950s, he says, he was able to engineer critical molding machinery with an injection process made using a Coca-Cola (nyse: KO - news - people ) bottle and a plastic straw, using something he saw in Modern Plastics as a guide. FORBES: Thoughts of Chairman Li
One of the volunteers was Ali Amirnazmi, an Iranian-born Stanford-educated chemical engineer who had developed powerful software, which he sold by subscription, for strategic planning in the chemical manufacturing industries. FORBES: Meet Iran's Ambassador to the UN