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Objective: To analyze causes of displacement of the impacted mandibular third molar into the pterygomandibular space and to find out measures for preventions. 目的:探讨阻生智齿拔除过程中牙根误入翼颌间隙的原因及预防和处理的方法。
Conclusion: The socket of surgical wound should be open slightly after extraction of unerupted-impacted mandibular third molar for reducing in more effect of post-operative swelling. 结论:下颌埋伏阻生智齿拔牙后的牙槽窝宜小部分开放引流,可更有效减轻术后肿胀反应。
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility and advantage of extracting the impacted mandibular third molar via resection of lingual bone plate. 目的:探讨经舌侧骨板切除术拔除下颌低位阻生第三磨牙的可行性及其优势。