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Another typical waste of water that can be prevented: Tons of bathing water run down the drain unused every day as people wait for it to be heated. 还有一种典型的水资源浪费现象也有办法解决:每天,人们在等洗澡水热起来的时候,数吨水被浪费掉了。
True, some simple forms of heat recycling have been around for a while: using heated waste water to warm flooring and melt ice on driveways, for example. 诚然,人们采用简单的余热利用方式已有一段时间了,例如,用有较高温度的废水作为地热取暖和融化车库前私家车道上的结冰。
The apparatus also generates distilled water includes low pressure waste energy separator, heated separator and vapour compressor combing to the compelling circle-loop. 该设备包括与强制循环回路相结合的低压废能分离器、加热分离器和蒸汽压缩机以产生蒸馏水。