go over the wall
- 越狱
- We’re going to stay on them. They go through the wall and over the hallway, and they’re going to get us out of here.
我们跟着它们走,这些管道穿过墙和过道的上面,跟着它们我们就可以出去了。 - Over the past few weeks, Barack Obama has been criticized for the following: He didn't go to Berlin for the 20th anniversary of the Wall's coming down.
在过去几周,贝拉克奥巴马因为以下事件被大加指责:他没有去柏林参加柏林墙倒塌20周年庆祝活动; - But the fact of the matter was they tried, they couldn't get over the wall, he went and had one more go, and waited for them for two hours on the other side of the fence.
我全面调查了这件事,确实做了深入探访。 我不想坐在这里随随便便地说,他没有做错,而是其他人误解了他。 事实真相是,那两人做了逃跑的努力,但无法翻过院墙,我祖父试了几次终于翻了过去,他在墙外等了他们两个小时。