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As the chip,chip,chiping became more determined, the egg began to crack. 随着噼噼声越来越清楚,鸭蛋开始裂缝了。
The basic technics of chiping include: The sense of distance, Trace planning, and even The model of ball rolling route. 短切球的基本技术包括:击球和距离感、计画击球飞行及滚动的路线和正确的应用模式。
Chiping XINFA aluminum production CO.,Ltd is a specialized Corporation that dedicated to design 、 manufacture and sell the aluminum alloy wheel. 茌平信发铝制品有限公司,是一家致力于铝合金轮毂设计、生产和销售的专业性公司。
The first part discuss the development and the material resource of applied experiences of stone carve of chipe islet from it's natural and social environment. 第一个部份系从自然环境与社会环境探讨吉贝屿砌石经验的发展背景与营造资源。
Author: Zhang Yibing, male, born in March1956 in Chiping, Shandong Province, doctor of philosophy, professor. The major investigational fields are Marxist textual study of philosophy and overseas Marxist philosophy. 作者简介:张一兵,男,1956年3月生,山东茌平人,哲学博士,教授,主要研究领域为马克思主义哲学文本学和国外马克思主义哲学。
Chiping structural zone is a north north-east trending fracture-anticline belt being complicated by secondary faults, which located in the center of the northwest plunging area of Luxi uplift. 茌平构造带处于鲁西隆起西北倾伏区的中部,是被带内次级断层复杂化的呈北北东向展布的断层背斜带。