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In most domains, a specialized element adds semantics to the base element. 在大多数域中,专门化元素为基本元素增添了一些语义。
The Object Primer introduces UML as a base element in a process for developing object-oriented software. 介绍了在开发面向对象软件的过程中作为基本元素的UML。
The specialized content model must be consistent with the content model for the base element. 专门化的内容模型必须同基本元素的内容模型一致。
You can use a specialized content element within any topic structure where its base element is allowed. 您可以在任何允许其基本元素的主题结构内使用专门化的内容元素。
Shadowing is meaningful only within a programming element that can inherit from a base element. 阴影操作只在可从基本元素继承得到的编程元素中可用。
That is, any possible contents of the specialized element must be generalizable to valid contents for the base element. 即,专门化元素的任何可能的内容都必须是可泛化成基本元素的有效内容。