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We spent a lot of time with Prime Minister Jean Chrtien and his wife, Aline. 我们和让.克雷蒂安总理和他妻子艾琳相处了很长一段时间。
But, according to Interpol officer Aline Plançon, there are counterfeit medicine cases in every part of the world. 但是,据国际刑警组织官员Aline Plançon说,世界各地都有假冒药品案件。
“We have discovered that no class of drugs had been spared, ” said Aline Plançon, the head of Interpol’s counterfeit drug department. “It’s not just primary medicines. 国际刑警组织假药部主管阿琳·普朗松说:“我们已经发现,假药并不仅仅是基本药品,还有生活方式药 草药和疫苗。”
"We will develop a program according to what is best for the international community and what will save lives, " Aline Plancon, head of Interpol's counterfeiting and pharmaceutical crime program, told The Associated Press in an exclusive interview. NPR: Drugmakers, Interpol Ramp Up Fight Against Fakes