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The EA affect on GMA may involve in cholinergic nerve, sympathetic nerve and adrenergic nerve. 而电针对胃电的调整作用,与胆碱能神经、交感神经、肾上腺素能神经的参与有关。
In the process , cholinergic nerve, adrenergic nerve and peptidergic nerve all have a role in the regulation . 胆碱能神经、肾上腺素能神经及肽能神经均发挥重要作用。
OSAHS maybe through multi-ways (oxidative stress, sleep interruption) cause inflammatory reaction and adrenergic nerve excitability change to impact and induce the incidence rate of CHD increased. OSAHS可能经氧化应激,睡眠中断引起炎症反应及交感神经兴奋性改变等多条途径影响并导致冠心病发生率增高。