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It was decided that it was best to abort the mission at that time rather than the far reaching consequences should we have gone ahead. 它被决定最好的方法是取消任务,在那个时候,比我们继续行动有更好的结果。 blog.sina.com.cn
And it won't be long before we see abort tests being conducted, followed by unmanned demonstration launches of vehicles designed for the commercial crew mission. 不久,我们就会看到各种逃生试验的进行,随后便是演示发射为商业载人任务设计的无人运载火箭。
As with the shuttle, Orion astronauts will practice ascents in a full-motion simulator that forces them to make quick decisions about whether or not to abort a mission. 如同航天飞机,“猎户星”号宇航员将在一个全动态模拟器里训练上升,这将迫使他们在面临是否放弃一个任务时作出快速选择。