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Richardson is the first Hispanic-American named to the Obama cabinet. 理查森是奥巴马任命的第一位拉美裔内阁成员。
Hispanic-American come from places such as Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Central American, and South American. 西班牙裔的美国人多来自墨西哥、波多黎各、古巴等中美和南美一些国家。
Hispanic-American Studies is emerging as one of the most significant ethnic disciplines in American academic world, because of the growing size of the Hispanic population in this country. 拉美裔研究作为美国学术界最重要的民族学科之一正在兴起,这是由于西班牙裔人口在本国的增长。 college.strong-study.com
Here in the United States, Asian,African-American,Hispanic, and Native American children have higher rates of death and more illness compared to their white children.
Mr.Obama, the first African-American U.S.president, predicted that someday there will be a Hispanic president.
Susana Patino, a Hispanic-American born in Texas, works at a local tool-and-dye business. ECONOMIST: A small city passes a controversial immigration ordinance
The New Mexico governor was the first Hispanic-American presidential candidate, and has had close ties to the Clintons since he held two cabinet level positions in the 1990s. NPR: Presidential Contenders Push for Last-Minute Votes