Warning: mysqli_query(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/opt/rasp/logs/plugin/plugin.log.2024-11-23) is not within the allowed path(s): (/www/wwwroot/ppbbu/5678977.com/:/tmp/) in /www/wwwroot/ppbbu/5678977.com/vars/english.php on line 129
Warning: mysqli_query(/opt/rasp/logs/plugin/plugin.log.2024-11-23): failed to open stream: Operation not permitted in /www/wwwroot/ppbbu/5678977.com/vars/english.php on line 129
Warning: [OpenRASP] 20002 Fail to open php_stream of /opt/rasp/logs/plugin/plugin.log.2024-11-23! in /www/wwwroot/ppbbu/5678977.com/vars/english.php on line 129 database access例句_database access英汉例句_database access双解例句_加林查网西语词典
This is because all database access is performed using one of several common shared connections from the connection pool. 這是因爲所有數據庫訪問都是使用連接池中的若乾公共共享連接之一執行的。
Our only requirements for each script will be one database connect, one database access, and an output to the screen of the retrieved row. 對於每個腳本來說,惟一的要求就是一個數據庫連接、數據庫訪問權限以及在屏幕上輸出檢索到的行。
Referring back to Figure 1, you see how the abstract model generates one model for the SQL and another for the PHP through the Database access model. 廻頭看一看 圖 1,就會發現抽象模型爲 SQL 生成了一個模型,又通過數據庫訪問模型爲 PHP 生成了另一個模型。
Large database companies such as Oracle will benefit as well since this network will be used to provide database access to personnel in the field. FORBES: Public Safety Broadband Could Pump $10 Billion Into Wireless Firms
This database provides access to over 3900 speed and red light cameras in the US and is regularly updated to ensure the latest cameras are detected. ENGADGET: Navigon MobileNavigator for iOS updated with augmented reality, safety camera features
The open-access database will streamline various experiments and create a broader dialogue between scientists. FORBES: A Better Database